Individual Volunteering

Volunteers are a key part of what makes us a community farm. We can't run our programs without your support. We have volunteer opportunities for everyone! You can spread leaf mulch in the field. You can help kids decorate pumpkins at the Fall Family Day. And much more. You must be at least 12 years old to volunteer at the farm, and volunteers aged 12 to 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

  • Seedling Sale Volunteering

    Our seedling sale is only made possible by our many dedicated volunteers. We’re looking for volunteers to help write popsicle stick labels for the plants in March, and help setup for and staff the sale in May.

  • Event and Ad Hoc Volunteers

    We rely on a core group of volunteers to help us with everything from writing our seedling sale labels to coming with us to the library to show off our “library of interesting things.” To join our list and get notified for these non-farming volunteer opportunities along with our event volunteer opportunities, send us an email.

    Volunteers showing off our "library of interesting things"
  • Committed Farm Volunteers

    For folks who would like to spend more time out in the field, we have the opportunity for volunteers to become more fully integrated into our field crew. These volunteers commit to a regular weekly schedule during the season. If you are interested, reach out and we can talk!

    Regular field crew volunteers showing off some zinnias
  • Thursday Morning Weed Crew

    Keeping up with weeds is a challenge for any small farm. Our dedicated Thursday morning weed crew helps us rescue crops that have gotten away from us. If you love the satisfaction of a good before and after picture, then this is the right place for you! Our weed crew runs from July through September. Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to get dirty. Bring a water bottle and wear closed-toe shoes.

    Volunteers with freshly weeded beds of carrots
  • Saturday Morning Volunteers

    Join us out in the field on Saturday mornings from June-August. Volunteers generally help mulch our paths with leaves, harvest cucumbers, weed, or transplant. Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to get dirty! Bring a water bottle and wear closed-toe shoes.

    Volunteers planting zucchini
  • High School Community Service Hours

    High school students looking to fulfill a community service graduation requirement are welcome to join the Thursday or Saturday volunteer groups or participate in our 4-week high school internship program.