Newton Community Farm

Engaging a vibrant community in sustainable agriculture and best environmental practices on the historic Angino farm.

Who We Are

Newton Community Farm is a local non-profit farm focused on sustainability, education and community. The last working farm in Newton, we were founded in 2006 through a partnership with the City of Newton to preserve the historic Angino farm. NCF is committed to growing both food and community on this historic site.

Small but mighty, our sustainable farm uses a thoughtful combination of cutting-edge techniques and time-tested methods to produce over 50,000 pounds of food each year on about one acre of land. Our community members are welcome at the farm–whether to volunteer, take a class, purchase produce or simply stop by to see and learn about where your food comes from.

We support our community by:

  • Growing fresh produce and sharing it with our neighbors through our farm stand, the Saturday Newton Farmers Market, and our CSA programs.

  • Donating 10% of our produce to local food pantries.

  • Teaching sustainable farming and land stewardship practices through workshops, internships, and volunteer activities.

  • Preserving and caring for Newton’s last working farm to maintain this piece of history and open space.

  • Supporting local gardening enthusiasts through our annual Spring Seedling Sale.

Our Programs

Our educational programs welcome community members of all ages to events and activities throughout the year. Our two largest events are the Spring Seedling Sale and our Fall Family Day. At our Seedling Sale, we sell nearly 30,000 seedlings of over 90 varieties to local neighbors and gardeners. In the Fall, we invite the whole family to the farm for our Fall Family Day for pumpkin decorating, scavenger hunts, and exploring. During the summer, we run an internship program for high school students to join the field crew for four weeks. 

Volunteers help power our programs with their generous contributions of time and talent. Volunteers staff our seedling sale, show off our composting worms to excited kids, stuff envelopes for our annual appeal, serve on the Board, and more. Throughout the growing season, we also welcome volunteers into our fields to get their hands dirty and learn more about where their food comes from.

Our Growing Practices

As a historic farm, we are mindful of the farmers who came before us and those who will come after us. We farm in a way that will sustain the land and the soil for future generations. We follow the organic principle of “feed the soil, not the plant,” and focus our practices on building and maintaining healthy soils. Healthy soils grow sturdy nutritious plants and keep our ecosystem in balance. One of the benefits of being such a small farm is that our customers get to visit in person, see the Farm in action and ask us questions.

Have questions about how we farm? Just ask!