Join the Community

  • Support Us

    Your support means the world to all of us at Newton Community Farm. We are Newton's last working farm. We grow over 50,000 pounds of food annually on a little over one acre of land, providing fresh produce to local residents, donating to food pantries, and offering educational opportunities through workshops and volunteer activities. Your contribution helps pay for items like seeds, potting soil, utility bills, and truck repairs, so that we can fulfill our mission of sustainability, education, and community engagement. Donations of $50 or more will automatically enroll you as a Friend of the Farm.

    Bunch of Flowers
  • Become a Business Sponsor

    We are a vibrant, growing organization with many successful programs which we adapt to meet community need. We invite you to collaborate in our success by participating in our Business Sponsorship program. Depending on which level of sponsorship you choose, we may include your business logo on our website, note your support on social media, highlight your business in our Newton Farmer newsletter, display your business information at our event, as well as other benefits.

    Volunteers planting zucchini